Mom’s Recipes

2022 | NYU
By collecting "secret" recipes from around the world to bring the taste of home to the dining table, Mom’s Recipes hope to inspire more people to cook again at home and lead healthier lifestyles.

Team with:
Ruoxiao Sun

Our mission is to bring back family togetherness and share the worldwide taste of home in a relaxed and pleasing way.

Nowadays, many young people who like to cook are working or studying outside and far away from home. Every time they get busy they miss the taste of their mom's cooking when they were kids.Food can bring families together, and any time families get together - even for a meal - family history can be made. Every family has a family recipe or two that they cherish. Family recipes are certain foods that remind us of the warm feelings and happy memories we have with our loved ones.Through shared recipes, family dishes can be brought into homes around the world. Sometimes, a simple "taste of home" can bring mre comfort and joy than anything else.

Click here to see more research & process ︎︎︎


Mom’s Recipes is a platform for sharing family recipes, motivating people to cook "secret" family recipes from all over the world at home to remind people of the warm feelings and happy memories they have with their loved ones.

Find recipes & Cook
Have more connections with their families

Upload their original recipes, interact more with their family
learn other recipes and join a community

* There are two different user groups in our solution and you’ll find both of the user flows below.


Name: Steve
Age: 27
Job: Associate Consultant
Sex: Male

  • Wake up early morning to go office by subway and grab coffee and breakfast on the way
  • Cooks at various times of week, depending on work schedule
  • Cooking times are limited
  • Tech-savy person, be able to search recipes on internet

  • “I need to use remained ingredients in the fridge.”
  • “I want to have simple dishes but also taste good.”
  • “I want to share good recipes to my friends and familes.”
  • “I want the cooking process to be easy and enjoyable.”
  • “I need to save time searching for recipes.”

Frustrations / Painpoints
  • “I miss the taste of my mothers’ cooking, it will bring strength to my tired day.”
  • “It’s hard to decided what I’m gonna cook.”
  • “Sometimes I felt overloaded about cooking steps, I want a clear guidance..”
“Children”︎Journey Map

“Children”︎Flow Diagram

(Videos may take a while to load)

Keep track with the family updates
+ Interact and comment

We created a social media outlet where families can keep track of the family updates, interact with their families, like and comment on their family recipes.

+ Diversity

Our homepage provides stories from around the world about the recipes they make and in the search interface, users will be able to find the “secret” recipes from different households all over the world shared by the “moms”.

Shared memories
+ Closer relationship

"Moms" and children may have different memories of the same recipe, and we have a platform here for them to share their memories and bring families closer together.

Step by step
+Short Video

Short videos are now the most popular way to catch users' attention in the shortest possible time, as a way for people to discover more recipes, learn and be willing to make those recipes. Enable the platform to build a bigger community.

In-App timer

When people cook along with short videos or steps, we provide in-app timer to help users calculate and remind the time needed for each step.

“Moms” ︎Persona
Name: Julie
Live with husband

  • Wake up at morning to do some house chorses
  • Cooks everyday and start to try more new recipes
  • Can use cell phones and computers, but not particularly proficient

  • “I want to share the recipes I made.”
  • “I need to find something that will give me a sense of accomplishment.”
  • “I want to learn more recipes from other families and make one for my family to eat.”
  • “I want to have close relationships with my children.”

Frustrations / Painpoints
  • “After retirement, there are a lot of time but I’ have nothing to do.”
  • “I miss my children, but we don't have that many topics to talk.”
  • “I hope to gain more presence.”

“Moms” ︎Journey Map

“Moms” ︎Flow Diagram
(Videos may take a while to load)

“Moms” ︎Functions
(Videos may take a while to load)

A family joint account
+ Bonding moment

Each family member can have his or her own separate account linked to a family account. All family members' recipes are able to be seen in this family account. Members can work together to run recipes and stories that belong to the whole family.

Easy uploading
+ Voice to text

Considering that there are too many steps to upload a recipe, moms need to type a lot of words. So we provide voice to text to make the whole uploading process very easy.

Smart video editing

We also considered different approaches based on different user behaviors: to simplify what "moms" need to do, "moms" can upload short videos for each step or a full-length video according to their habits, we offer a smart video editing tool that can smartly generate short videos into one or clip one long video into separate steps.

Color Scheme


Linkedin ︎︎︎
Resume upon request  😇️